for Cation-Exchange of Proteins
Use PolyCAT AÂ for:
for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) of Proteins and Peptides
Use these HIC materials for:
for Hydrophilic Interaction and Size Exclusion HPLC
In the absence of organic solvent, PolyHYDROXYETHYL AÂ functions in the Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) mode.
for Cation-Exchange of Peptides
for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) of Proteins and Peptides
Use PolyMETHYL A for
for Anion-Exchange of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Use PolyWAX LP for
for HILIC of Complex Carbohydrates
This neutral material has the unusually high capacity needed to retain complex carbohydrates in the HILIC mode. Columns can frequently be operated with just acetonitrile and water, although charged carbohydrates may require inclusion of some salt such as ammonium acetate. These conditions are convenient for isolation of carbohydrates or direct flow to a mass spectrometer. Selectivity is good for both native glycans and derivatives such as those with the 2-aminopyridine (PA-) fluorophore. Oligosaccharide mixtures can often be resolved isocratically, although gradients are recommended for especially varied samples. Sialylated and asialo- glycans can be resolved using the same running conditions. In some cases selectivity compares favorably with that of HPAEC with PAD detection, and both running conditions and equipment maintenance are far more convenient.
for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) of Proteins and Peptides
Use PolyPROPYLA for